19 September 2006

Cripple Creek, Colorado pics.....

Narrow-gauge railroad trip.....

Reaaaallly cool house that I saw for sale on the West End of town....

MAJOR wreck that I saw whilst riding the train that actually has a 'for sale' sign on it located out in the touleyweeds waaaay on the outskirts of Cripple Creek.....

Cripple Creek and Victor train.....

Really cool looking motel that I had always tried to stay at on the West End of town. The web site they had made it look so cool, but I'd never seen it in person until now....and it's even far cooler in person than it looked in their web page!! For several years, before my numerous trips to Cripple Creek, I'd always phone this motel and get no answer.....



14 September 2006



13 September 2006

And here's where I'll be this weekend............

Pics return 20 SEPT 2006.........

That's about it for the graduation party pics..........other misc. pics will be updated every few days or so.........

Before I end the grad party pics, I'd really like to thank Lukia Costello!!!!

What she can do with a camera is stunning (look how well she made some of us appear, and we're NOT the most photogenic lot around).......

Check out other stuff she's done at www.lukiacostello.com
"No shit! Renee got you THIS DVD for a graduation present?"

Tom Rellenger and myself....


Lila and I

Four really cool chicks....

(L to R): Marylin Campbell, Lisa and Donna Reval, and my mother